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Is Candy your first name for real?

Well, my passport can't tell lies ;-)

What is the 30 free minute consultation for exactly?

Understand your current diet and lifestyle, answer your key questions about nutrition and give you a few tips.

We discuss your personal objectives and how I can help you reach your goals.

It is also a great opportunity to get to know each other as a good connection and relationship are key to trust and success in a weight loss journey. 

I answer any question you may have about the consultations, reports, prices, etc. 

Depending on your location, availability, goals and budget, we will find the best option for you.

I wish to work with you, what are the next steps?

We both sign an agreement. You receive a questionnaire and a food diary to be filled in over 7 days for analysis. The Coaching starts right away during the initial session as a set of recommendations and tips is provided, based on the analysis of your food diary and lifestyle. Everything discussed will be in a written report.

What about the Payment?

All payments are made by bank transfer, in your local currency (£, euros, $, etc)

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